10 Remarkable Ancient Coins from Around the Globe 

1. The Syracusan Decadrachm (415-400 BC)

2. The Athenian Owl Tetradrachm (449-323 BC)

3. The Lycian Turtle (c. 480-460 BC)

4. The Persian Daric (522-486 BC)

5. The Ptolemaic Tetradrachm (306-30 BC)

6. The Roman Aureus (27 BC-476 AD)

7. The Kushan Gold Dinar (c. 1st-3rd centuries AD)

8. The Gupta Gold Dinar (c. 4th-6th centuries AD)

9. The Chinese Kaiyuan Tongbao (621-1078 AD)

10. The Japanese Tenpo Tsūhō (1835-1868 AD)